Julia Cain and the Dress Seen Around the World

Services Provided by Applause Productions: Videography

When Julia first contacted us for Videography for her wedding, we had no idea how interesting her story would turn out to be.  We arrived at First Unitarian Church to begin the shoot about 2 hours prior to the beginning of her ceremony.  The popular blogger (Oh Julia Ann), her bridesmaids, and her mother were in the bride’s room with hair and makeup already done.  We began shooting footage of everything from the rings to the bouquets, the bridesmaids dresses, shoes, jewelry, and then it came time for the dress.  “May we have your dress, please” we asked and Julia eagerly said yes, with a little side explanation that it was her mother’s dress….”and my Grandmother’s”.  What?  Yes, I had heard correctly and I knew the dress was to be handled with extra care.  We lovingly transported it from it’s protective bag to a few locations in the nearby building, but the real beauty was when we hung it on the door and shot with the church pews in the background.  Lillian Peters from Chameleon Imagery was right there with us, even providing the chic “Bride” hanger to finish off the look.  Soon the dress was removed from it’s perch atop the church door and back into Julia’s hands so she could don it for her walk down the aisle.

Fast forward a few weeks and Julia is now getting all kinds of crazy press about her Three Generation Dress.  What made it even more special?  Enter Grandpa Harold.  Grandpa Harold has had the pleasure of escorting three generations wearing that dress.  And that is what seems to have captured everyone’s attention, along with the changes made to the dress so it had modern appeal with vintage beauty.

You can read more and see video on all various sites including:
Alive Magazine
Inside Edition
​Huff Post
ABC News
Country Living
Yahoo News

You can see the highlights from Julia’s wedding done by Applause Productions DJ and Video here.

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Love is in the Air with Julie and Darrell

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